Is it good to pop your own pimples? What is the difference between popping pimples and getting them popped by a doctor? Because these days, there are many clinics that offer pimple popping services, and you can also find self-popping equipment for sale everywhere, even though everyone says that popping pimples is bad for our skin. So should we still pop our pimples?

Is it good to pop pimples yourself? What kind of pimples can be popped out?
Actually, popping pimples is not good for the skin because the steps and equipment. We use may not be clean enough. This can cause bacteria to return to the acne wound and eventually cause inflammation. If we pop pimples when they just appear while their heads are still deeply embedded. The scars from popping them out will be very difficult to treat and may even become pits. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t pop pimples ourselves.
We just have to be patient and wait for a while. Until the pimples have gone from being red and inflamed to being white before we can pop them out. This is because pimples that have become ripe are not deeply embedded in the สมัคร ufabet skin. Furthermore, the bacteria in the white pimples have all died. They just need to dry up and peel off. Another type of blocked pores that we commonly call “blackheads” can also be popped out by ourselves. However, the correct way to pop pimples must be used.
Squeeze pimples properly by yourself to eliminate annoying skin inflammation.
As mentioned above, pimples that can be squeezed out by yourself must be blackheads and pimples that are ripe and white. If you have pimples according to these conditions, you can prepare to squeeze them out by yourself. Start by finding the equipment used for squeezing pimples, consisting of a “pimple popping stick” and a “pimple popping needle” that have been thoroughly cleaned and wiped with alcohol. Then, use a cotton swab soaked in alcohol to wipe the pimple that you want to squeeze. Then, use the tip of the needle to gently poke the pimple.
If you poke and no pus comes out, you should stop immediately and do not poke any more because the pimple head is not fully ripe and may cause deep scars. However, if pus comes out after squeezing, use a pimple popper with a small circular head and press down on the pimple until all the pus flows out. The severity of the wound depends on the weight of your hand. It is recommended that you do every step as gently as possible so that the wound does not cover a large area and is bruised too much.
In cases where you do not have pimple popping equipment but are annoyed by whiteheads that are ripe but do not dry and blackheads on your face, squeezing them out with your hands can still help. Start by cutting your nails short and leaving no dirt in them. Wash your hands and face with warm water, but it is better to wear gloves to prevent dirt. Then use your hands to squeeze the ripe pimples out. Just remove all the pus, be careful not to bleed. Finally, clean your face and hands thoroughly.
How is having your pimple popped by a doctor different from popping it yourself?
If you have your pimple popped by a specialist, if it is a whitehead or blackhead, the popping method is not much different from popping it yourself. The only difference is that clinics have cleaner equipment and a cleaner place. If there is another type of pimple that is inflamed and cannot be popped, an injection will be used to kill the bacteria in the pimple directly. We cannot do this ourselves.
Therefore, if you have pimples that are ripe and you do not want to spend a lot of money, you can pop them yourself using the popping method recommended above. However, if you are not comfortable popping your pimples in a clean place with the equipment, or if you have other types of inflamed pimples that cannot be popped yourself, it would be better to see a doctor at a skin clinic to help get rid of that pimple.
How to care for your skin after acne extraction to make your face look better than before.
After extracting acne, you should immediately cleanse your skin with facial foam and add moisture with a cream that contains moisturizer. Don’t forget that even if you have oily skin, washing your face with foam will make your face dry and tight. Adding moisturizer is important no matter what your skin type is. Also, moisture will help the scar fade faster.
If you want the scar to heal faster, you should use a cream-based Salicylic Acid with a concentration of about 0.5-2 percent and apply it thinly on your skin 1-3 times a day until new skin cells have formed. During this time, do not pick or touch your face at all. So that acne does not come back.
You can see that extracting acne yourself and taking care of your skin. After extracting it properly is quite a hassle. Knowing this, you have to take good care of your skin, ladies. Every night before going to bed. You should wash your face clean and use products that do not cause acne. This way, you won’t have to waste time extracting acne, which is tiring and painful.